We are working to ensure that wealthy and special interests don’t drown out the interests of hardworking Idaho families. We must also work to protect the Constitutional rights of all Idahoans. We’ll work to guarantee that our state government focuses on the right priorities that create a brighter future and real opportunity for our children and grandchildren.


  • Reviewing all tax exemptions every five years and reauthorizing them only after careful review to make sure they are working as promised.
  • Holding politicians who squander our tax dollars accountable by creating an Inspector General’s office to investigate waste, fraud and abuse in government.
  • Protecting the fundamental right of all eligible Idahoans to vote and ensuring that those who find it a challenge to vote are able to participate fully in our democracy.
  • Preventing government from releasing our private voter information.
  • Ensuring our criminal justice system is sensibly targeted to protect Idahoans from harm.