2025 Legislative Session News
House Democrats Unveil ‘Idaho Working Families Agenda’
The House Minority Caucus unveiled its “Idaho Working Families Agenda,” a comprehensive plan to deliver tax benefits to working families and boost critical education investments to help Idaho children learn basic skills, including reading. House Assistant Minority...
Lawmakers to Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Penalize Targeted Picketing Outside Homes
Lawmakers will introduce a bipartisan bill to penalize targeted residential picketing in the House Judiciary, Rules and Administration Committee. The legislation is drafted by Reps. Greg Chaney, R-Caldwell, and Brooke Green, D-Boise, and aims to protect one’s privacy...
“Intimidation is not Democracy — It is Mob Rule” – by Reps. Brooke Green and Greg Chaney
Our democracy relies on freedom of expression, including protest. It also depends on an open, productive, and civil discourse where everyone can be heard and policy is set based on a rational assessment of available options. Setting policy based on who can act most...
“Schools are Open, and Teachers Want to Teach” – by Rep. John McCrostie
Last spring when the coronavirus spread into Idaho communities, no one knew what our schools should do in this unprecedented situation. Yet from that moment on, school leaders did what we always do: monitor and adjust. As we work through a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic,...
“A Wise Legislator” – by Sen. David Nelson
Despite what some in the Idaho Legislature might think, we are still in the middle of a global pandemic. Now is not the time to be making decisions without careful consideration of the possible long-term consequences, but that’s what happens when short-sided...
“Faith, Family, Freedom, and . . .” – by Rep. Steve Berch
During the 2020 campaign, my opponent and his party ran on the slogan, “Faith Family Freedom.” Those are great values. They aren’t partisan values – they’re American values. People of all political stripes attend the church of their choice. Everyone, regardless of...
“Idahoans Deserve Real Solutions” – by Sen. Ali Rabe
It’s no secret property taxes are one of the biggest concerns for many of Idaho’s homeowners. We all want a fair system for collecting the revenue that makes law enforcement, fire response, and other critical services possible. Unfortunately, state policies have...
“The Ballot is Stronger Than the Bullet” – by Rep. James Ruchti
On Jan. 20, many of us let out a shared sigh of relief. With President Joe Biden being sworn into office, it feels like our nation is finally headed in the direction of empathy toward our fellow man, progress toward shared goals and competence in government. We cannot...
“A Bipartisan Plan to Help an Idaho Hero” – by Reps. Ilana Rubel and Mike Kingsley
Sgt. Jeremy Kitzhaber, a proud Idahoan, served 22 years in the Air Force with distinction. He deployed to three continents, and among the many honors he received are several Meritorious Service Medals and the National Veterans of Foreign Wars “Beyond the Call” Award....
Democratic Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Outlaw Conversion Therapy in Idaho
Rep. John McCrostie, D-Garden City, introduced House Bill 52 Wednsday to protect LGBTQ young people from the harmful practice of conversion therapy. Several major health organizations have discredited conversion therapy. According to the Trevor Project’s 2020 National...
Senate Minority Leaders Respond to Anti-drug Bill Proposed in State Affairs Committee
The Senate State Affairs Committee heard long testimony Monday on Senate Joint Resolution 101, a constitutional amendment which would forbid the state from legalizing any psychoactive drug in the future that wasn't already legal in 2020, including any medical...
Idaho Democrats Respond to Statement Issued by House Republicans
The Idaho Joint Democratic Caucus issued the following response Monday in regard to a recent statement released by the Idaho House Republican Caucus: It is ridiculous for GOP leadership to suggest the motion was brought for publicity or fundraising purposes. Every...
Idaho House Republicans Vote Down Motion to Allow Remote Testimony for Members with Physical Impairments
A motion to allow for remote testimony was denied Friday in Idaho House of Representatives in a 49-to-11 vote. Rep. Muffy Davis, D-Ketchum, made the motion just after the House convened at 9 a.m. It applied to individuals who have a physical impairment putting them at...
Idaho Democrats Present 2021 Legislative Priorities
Democratic lawmakers presented a slate of legislative priorities for the 2021 session in a news conference Monday at the Statehouse in Boise. Senate Minority Leader Sen. Michelle Stennett, D-Ketchum, and House Minority Leader Rep. Ilana Rubel, D-Boise, discussed...
“Public Health Is for Patriots Too” – by Rep. Colin Nash
A common refrain heard from the chorus of folks who view public health measures as an affront to their rights is, “What would the founders think?” While speculating about the hypothetical political opinions of people who died a quarter-millennium ago may be a...
“A moral budget would prioritize Idaho’s working families” – by Rep. Lauren Necochea
As the saying goes, “Don’t tell me what your values are. Show me your budget and I’ll tell you what your values are.” Our annual state budget transforms the values of our lawmakers into action: how deeply we care about children, seniors, education, health care access...
Democratic Lawmakers Present Slate of Property Tax Solutions
On Tuesday, Democratic lawmakers demonstrated their continued commitment to restoring fairness to Idaho’s property tax system, and presented multiple proposals to better protect homeowners as home prices rapidly rise. Sen. Grant Burgoyne, Rep. John Gannon, and Rep....
“Use Idaho’s Excess Revenues to Save Lives, Not More Money” – by Sen. Melissa Wintrow
What if you were hanging on the edge of a cliff and your friend leaned down and started rapping hard on your fingers, at the same time telling you it will be alright? Unfortunately, that’s what some Idaho politicians are doing to citizens trying to access vital...