Idaho State Capitol – A bipartisan, bicameral organization, the Farm, Ranch and Timber Issues Caucus will address issues of the citizens, communities and counties who rely on them, and the affiliated industries. The caucus will explore ways to act together to ensure Idaho has a comprehensive policy strategy to ensure communities grow and flourish. Topics could include value-added processing, broadband, economic development, rural health care, education, and infrastructure. We will be a point of contact, so these issues are heard on every level within the statehouse and our agencies.
The four original founders include Representatives Caroline Nilsson Troy/(R-Moscow) and Sally Toone/(D-Gooding) and Senators Bert Brackett/(R-Twin Falls) and Janie Ward-Engelking/(D-Boise).
“The challenges facing our farmers, ranchers and loggers keep getting more complicated, so this is the perfect time for all of us to come together,” said Representative Troy.
“The uniqueness of a joint Caucus can’t be overstated,” said Representative Toone, “We will be bringing many perspectives together to focus on issues impacting all of Idaho.”
The Caucus will meet regularly during the Idaho legislative session. The Caucus is open to members regardless of the makeup of the district they represent.
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