The Idaho House of Representatives voted to recess without taking action on Senate Bill 1193, effectively turning away a federal preschool development grant for $6 million.
Communities across Idaho have been meeting for months to design homegrown early learning programs for young children. The $6 million grant would have flowed to these communities for implementation of their plans, which include both preschools and parent education programs.
“Idaho is one of only four states that offer no public pre-K. Wealthy families already have the means to send their kids to quality pre-K; it is the poorest kids who would benefit the most from the programs that this $6 million grant would develop. The data is overwhelming that children with access to quality early childhood education are far more likely to hit critical literacy targets, graduate from high school, enjoy lifelong higher earnings, and show lower incarceration rates. This program was approved by President Trump at the request of Sens. Risch and Crapo. It is preposterous to suggest that it is a liberal indoctrination plot, and it defies belief that the House GOP was willing to sacrifice the needs of low-income children and families at the altar of groundless conspiracy theories,” said House Democratic Leader Ilana Rubel, who spoke of the bill’s importance on the floor Wednesday in hopes of getting the bill a vote. This did not happen.
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