Democratic Legislators Respond to the State of the State
IDAHO STATE CAPITOL – Democratic House Leader Ilana Rubel and Democratic Senate Leader Melissa Wintrow responded to Gov. Brad Little’s State of the State address today. The following are excerpts from them.
Rep. Rubel
“At the highest level, we Democrats were happy with what we heard today from the Governor’s proposed budget. This budget is true to HB1 passed during the special session, to the work done by hundreds of Reclaim Idaho volunteers and tens of thousands of Idahoans who worked to certify the Quality Education Act, and to the overwhelming support of the advisory question on last November’s ballot. Voters spoke clearly that they support bringing $410 million in desperately needed new money to our public K-12 and higher ed schools.
“The pay increases proposed for teachers and other school personnel offer us a chance to recruit and retain the educators our children need and to finally pull Idaho out of last place in America in education funding.
“We strongly support the proposed investments in infrastructure, broadband, mental health, water quality and outdoor recreation. Democrats have championed public lands and outdoor recreation, as our beautiful outdoors are the bedrock of our quality of life and are a huge draw to bring a skilled workforce to Idaho. Last year we supported record investments in our parks and clean water, and we will proudly do so again.
“Overall, we share the Governor’s emphasis on funding schools, fixing our roads and bridges, supporting mental health and investing in public lands and clean water. However, we know that it is far from a given that this budget will survive the Republican supermajority in the legislature. We know that there will be many attempts to divert funds away from public schools into dangerous voucher / ESA schemes, and to withhold the funds proposed for infrastructure and other needs in order to further balloon income tax cuts that will bestow money overwhelmingly on the wealthiest. Democrats will work hard to protect the investments proposed in the Governor’s budget and ensure they become a reality. Frankly, without the work and support of Democrats in the Legislature, it is doubtful that we could accomplish any of the investments outlined in the Governor’s plan. Time after time, we have brought the critical votes necessary to save these budgets.
“Other objectives of our caucus include repeal of the grocery tax, establishing school facilities funding mechanisms to lower property taxes, allowing new mothers to remain on Medicaid for a year after giving birth, improving reimbursement rates for Medicaid caregivers so that seniors and those with serious medical needs can remain in their homes, improving support for victims of domestic violence, Clean Slate legislation to allow minor nonviolent offenders to reenter the workforce, and improving access to affordable housing.
Sen. Melissa Wintrow
“If our state is going to thrive, we have to have an economy that thrives…that economy includes high quality schools to ensure a well-educated and trained workforce, strong health care systems, infrastructure including broadband access, and a climate that promotes opportunities for all kinds of workers not policies to gov;t that tells us what we can read, who we pray to, who we love, and forces pregnancy and violates privacy of patients with their doctors.
Idahoans are being taxed out of their homes. I was pleased to hear the governor mention it in his address. The elderly, veterans and middle-class families can no longer afford their annual tax fee. Property tax reduction is a top priority for Democrats and here are five easy ways to solve this problem.
Update the homeowners exemption and index it. I would be worth $224,000 by now
Use impact fees on new growth so building schools for new folks on their dime not long time residents bearing the burden
Create a building fund for facility maintenance
Expand the circuit breaker – we kicked off folks who should be taken care of
Increase public funding for schools…gov said it to the press on thursday…if we pay the bills on other things it reduces burdens on locals and that would reduce property taxes
“As the governor said, ‘Hundreds of schooling options are available to Idaho families.’ In fact we’re ranked number three for school choice. We have school choice in the state. Vouchers aren’t going to create choice, they are going to starve our public schools which are already running on lean budgets. Protecting our public schools is a top priority for Democrats.
“I recently read an op ed from a former gop legislator that called on folks not to be duped. I want to reiterate that message. There are special interest groups who have a lot to gain by attacking the Idaho way of doing things. Vouchers are not our way and would only hurt schools, especially those smaller schools in rural areas. We can’t be duped by specters that are intentionally meant to play on fears instead of promoting high quality of life.”
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