BOISE (Feb. 21, 2025) – The Democratic Caucus of the Idaho Legislature has released the following statement regarding several bills aimed at criminalizing and harassing the LGBT community.

“This bill would allow anyone to accuse your son of not being a boy or your daughter of not being a girl, and subject to having their genitals examined. It creates problems where none exist.

“The words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt were never more true: ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’ This bill is rooted, raised and nurtured on pure fear. It is one of a dozen bills aimed at the LGBT community and aims to replace the values of faith, family and freedom with fear, hate and anger.

“Idahoans value the personal liberty of being who they are and do not want the legislature criminalizing and harassing people whose lives may be different than their own.

“If you stand next to the statue of Gov. Frank Stunenberg and look up at the Capitol Dome, you won’t see a cross, the angel Moroni, Star of David, or a crescent moon, you will see an eagle, the symbol of our nation. Under that eagle’s wings are the protections of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for everyone, all Idahoans, not just those of a particular religious belief or who belong to one political party. This includes you, your children, your friends, family, and loved ones. The last thing we need in Idaho are self-appointed genital inspectors standing outside public bathrooms looking for someone to harass and persecute.

“What happened to community, the value of treating others with the same respect you want others to give to you? If we write laws based on what makes us uncomfortable, none of us will be able to be comfortable, let alone free. We don’t need more laws telling people what they can’t do, think, read, see or be. Idahoans do not want fanatical Christian Nationalists telling them how to live their lives.