by chad | Jan 26, 2021 | Sen. Grant Burgoyne, Sen. Michelle Stennett
The Senate State Affairs Committee heard long testimony Monday on Senate Joint Resolution 101, a constitutional amendment which would forbid the state from legalizing any psychoactive drug in the future that wasn’t already legal in 2020, including any medical...
by chad | Jan 12, 2021 | Rep. Ilana Rubel, Sen. Michelle Stennett
Democratic lawmakers presented a slate of legislative priorities for the 2021 session in a news conference Monday at the Statehouse in Boise. Senate Minority Leader Sen. Michelle Stennett, D-Ketchum, and House Minority Leader Rep. Ilana Rubel, D-Boise, discussed...
by chad | Aug 19, 2020 | Rep. Sally Toone, Sen. Michelle Stennett
A hundred years ago, in 1920, the United States came out of the First World War and celebrated a new decade and a changing world. The world was recovering from the Spanish flu pandemic, the automobile industry was beginning to take off, and Americans wrestled with...
by chad | Aug 10, 2020 | Rep. Sally Toone, Sen. Michelle Stennett
2020 is an unprecedented year. Although residents of South-Central Idaho continue to face hardships that defy imagination, our communities have proven their resolve through a heroic commitment to stand together in this time of need. 2020 will surely be seen as a major...
by chad | Aug 3, 2020 | Rep. Brooke Green, Rep. Ilana Rubel, Rep. John Gannon, Rep. John McCrostie, Rep. Lauren Necochea, Rep. Sally Toone, Rep. Steve Berch, Rep. Sue Chew, Sen. David Nelson, Sen. Grant Burgoyne, Sen. Janie Ward-Engelking, Sen. Mark Nye, Sen. Michelle Stennett
Republican politicians have had supermajority control of the legislature and every statewide office for decades. Under their governance, Idaho has sunk to 51st place in education investment (and, remarkably, now they want to cut another $99 million from our education...
by chad | Jul 20, 2020 | Rep. Ilana Rubel, Sen. Michelle Stennett
On Monday, the Idaho Democratic leadership held a press conference to propose a slate of Democratic solutions that would address the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic and set the state on the path to a better future. Senate Democratic Leader Michelle...
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