by chad | Mar 8, 2021 | Rep. Steve Berch
When I started my first term in 2019, nearly every long-time Capitol observer told me it was the worst legislative session they ever experienced. In 2020, they told me that was the worst legislative session ever. And now they’re saying in 2021 this is the worst...
by chad | Mar 8, 2021 | Sen. David Nelson
Idaho’s politicians have all kinds of snappy quotes about health insurance. How it doesn’t keep you healthy, and how no one’s every died from not having it — but that’s simply not true. Research shows those with health insurance are healthier than those without...
by chad | Feb 25, 2021 | Rep. Colin Nash, Rep. Lauren Necochea
Work, family and our children. These are the values embedded in the Idaho Working Families Agenda that House Democrats unveiled this week. We propose a package of tax and budget solutions that deliver benefits to Idahoans who are often overlooked. The agenda has three...
by chad | Feb 25, 2021 | Rep. Ilana Rubel, Sen. Janie Ward-Engelking
The Idaho Joint Democratic Caucus held a virtual news conference Wednesday highlighting the need to “put people over power plays,” emphasizing the urgency to move away from bills that grab more power for the legislature and instead use the limited remaining time in...
by chad | Feb 19, 2021 | Rep. James Ruchti, Rep. Lauren Necochea, Sen. Grant Burgoyne
On Friday, the House majority leader introduced a bill in the Revenue and Taxation Committee to completely eliminate the property tax that businesses pay on their equipment over 10 years. Rep. Mike Moyle, R-Star, proposed to replace the revenue lost to local...
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